Author & Poet
How to Write a Children's Picture Book and Get it Published

This informative, best-selling book contains my actual picture book plans, as well as formatted title pages and great template letters for you to customise and send out to publishers in the UK, Australia, USA etc.
156 pages covering everything you need to know about giving your work international appeal, submitting and selling your work to a publisher, including the the answers to the following questions:
What shall I write about?
What do publishers really want?
What should I avoid writing about?
Which publishers shall I approach?
Do I need an agent?
What do I do about copyright ?
Can I submit rhyming texts?
How much money will I make?
What do I do about illustrations?
How can I enhance my texts for the eBook market ?
Hello - I have begun writing children's picture books and read your, 'how to write a children's book'. I have found it amazing and is by my side to check questions as I go. Also I'd like to say thank you for your insight and sharing your experience, knowledge and encouragement. Alix M
I bought this book because I was intrigued by it and because I, like many people, have had a few ideas kicking around in my head for a children's book. And I'm so glad I bought it because the best aspect, for me, was the focus on what NOT to do when writing a children's books: avoid the cliches, taboos and plain boring. The second thing that I loved about the book was the author's suggestions for coming up with ORIGINAL stories, characters and plots, as well as ways for -- crucially -- keeping it SIMPLE. In other words, avoid another trap: don't make it too complicated. It also covers things like proposals, pitching etc, but the above were the key elements of her book that I think stood out. Last, buying this book has probably helped me save a load of wasted time. She gently sets you on the right path to children's writing with a gentle push of encouragement. Well worth the money.
Dear Andrea,
I hope you are super well! My name is marina and I have just finished to read your "How to write a children picture book and get it published". I really enjoyed it and your writing style too. M
Hello Andrea,
Having read your 'How to write a children's picture book' I wanted to say a big thank you for opening a window into this challenging field. All I have to do now is bang on a few (publisher's) doors and hope they open them!
You have been an inspiration. Thankyou, Penny Pedlar
Hi Andrea
thank you for your book, 'How to write a children's picture book and get it published.' I found it so helpful. I have
always worried about the covering letter and your template was just what i needed. best wishes, Tracy
Hello Andrea,
I have just finished working through your 'How to write picture books' and have now sent off one of my picture books to two publishers. thank you for giving me the confidence to do it. Mrs C.Richardson,York,UK
A god-send and an eye-opener. It contains so much information that I'd never even considered before. I LOVE your sense of humour. kind regards Yvonne Lika, UK
I am currently in the process of finishing my first book and just wanted to thank you for the extremely helpful advice. Stacey Cope
I have just bought & read your How to Write Children's Picture Book. I really enjoyed reading it. Now to put it into practice! Jean Webster
Hi Andrea. I recently purchased your 'How to Write a Children's Picture Book' and devoured it in a single evening. Great read! Mark Smith
An excellent list of useful tips. Best I've seen anywhere by anyone. Cheers! Christian Feeger
Loads of useful stuff for a complete novice. Thanks for all the helpful pointers. Kim Cox, UK
I found your advice very useful Joe Glen
You advice is very helpful ~ thank you . Beth Southall
Thank you so much for your valuable words of advice and taking the time to advise and inspire! Carol Dondero
Refreshing and to the point Maura Sheehy
Wonderful! Full of knowledge, wisdom and first hand experience. You have encouraged me, saved me a lot of time, and made me laugh. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge. Jo Stuckey
Your advice was concise, easy to follow and informative. I am at the very embryonic stages of writing a children's book, You are inspirational and candid. Thanks a million! Renee Shaid
My wife and I are contemplating writing books for children around 3-6yrs. You have given us a lot of valuable information on our first steps. Regards Julian Petrak
You have saved me time, and I'm sure, much heartache with your words of advice regarding writing picture books. Many thanks Cathy Haydon
I am a children's picture book writer hoping to be published, and appreciate your funny and well-written advice. Shannon in Seattle,
Just a quickie to say the tips and advice you offer are very helpful, especially when it's so difficult to come by! A very useful service to all of us trying to make our dreams real. Thank you! Yasmin. Kent .
Your article on how to get published was MOST helpful! I have been a published food writer for 15 years, but am getting interested in writing young children's books – you have helped me loads! Jenny Brule
I’m not in the UK but you provide more than a few universal truths about the publishing world. Brit humour also much appreciated! Jenni in Toronto , Canada .
Most interesting and a bit of an eye-opener! If in the future I ever do become published, I'd like to think that you certainly pointed me in the right direction. Many thanks! Lauren McNeil
Very boosting. It helped me to gain confidence in how I write and how difficult the publishing process can be. Thanks, Liam Moffett
Thank you for this practical and helpful information. Continued success! Fiona McCrudden
I have all these stories sitting in folders doing nothing – now I know what to do now thanks very helpful Joe
I've got a half baked ms and I'm hoping to send it off soon. Hlz Scotland .
I wanted to say your Get Published was one of the best I've read, and I've read a few on the way to getting published (which I am) and teaching creative writing (which I do). ATB Sara UK
Dear Andrea, I almost got my children's book published then my editor changed jobs and it fell at the final fence. Reading your advice has given me the push to carry on - thank you. Jayne , UK
Thoroughly enjoyed this - entertaining as well as beneficial. Jenni Hassan
How refreshing to find such an easy to follow guide! Jackie, UK